• Defender's Quest 2: Mists of Ruin - PC Review

    Defender's Quest 2: Mists of Ruin is a really solid if unspectacular tower defense title, that plays it safe by not really taking a lot of chances, and seldom strays from the original game’s formula.

  • Eden Crafters - PC Preview

    In this open-world game you are challenged with turning a hostile planet into a habitable haven for all of human kind. You have the ability and equipment to temper the climate, and to create a breathable atmosphere!

  • Dungeon Inn - PC (Steam) Review

    Dungeon Inn is a cozy strategy management game that has an amusing story. The premise? Sara and her crew end up trifling with a scary dragon who catches them red-handed stealing from him.


    Do you want to fight with gun and sword in a post-apocalyptic style future Osaka against demons from myth and fantasy? Well then, look no further than BLADE CHIMERA!

  • Astroneer: Glitchwalkers DLC - PC Review

    Glitchwalkers is the first DLC to launch for the game Astroneer, an exploration, survival, crafting game set in space. It originally released in 2016 and has vastly improved gameplay from...

  • Loco Motive - PC Review

    Loco Motive is a wonderful point and click, puzzle, adventure game about a retiring wealthy heiress, Lady Unterwald, who has a hard time picking her next successor.

  • Kletka - PC Review

    “Today's adventure destination, is Down” Kletka opens with a simple and easy to understand premise: gather together with your crew of inmates or solo and venture into the obscure world below.

  • 8-Bit Adventures 2 - PS4/5 Review

    8-Bit Adventures 2: The Adventures of Squishy, is finally here on consoles! Who's Squishy you ask? Squishy is your robot and totally the main protagonist.

  • Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age - PC Preview

    Placing you in command of either NATO or Warsaw Pact nations, Sea Power is an incredibly detailed simulation of modern naval combat and will test you every step of the way.

Games I am most looking forward to in 2013

Good morning and Happy New Year! I will probably be on hiatus for a week or two as I have some time off this upcoming week and then when I get back to work? I will likely be very busy. So, I leave you with my parting post for 2012!

I have spent a lot of time lately talking about what happened in 2012 - well here I touch on some of the games that have me excited for what 2013 will bring to the table.


My top 5 games of 2012

Until these last couple of weeks, I have never really done many 'list' or 'top game' posts. That being said, I have actually enjoyed making these and looking back at my 'year in gaming', so to speak. It put me in a very reflective state (including the realization that this blog is over 3 years old now. I missed its birthday completely - but I got things started on 11/8/2009).

There are a lot of titles from this year I have not yet had a chance to play or play as extensively as I would have liked, and like my reviews these are simply a matter of preference. Halo 4 and Black Ops II are examples of games I will likely wind up playing next year. Guild Wars 2 has been awesome, but I have not had enough time with it to feel comfortable putting it in my top five.

I could not pick out a favorite single title from this year, so I will just leave it to a list with no order of preference to it. I picked only games released in 2012 and not ones that were excellent, but released previously and not played by me until 2012 (Skyrim for example).


Games I meant to play in 2012, but never got around to

There were a lot of games I meant to play in 2012 and just never got around to. Some, I simply never bought. Others I purchased and still never got around to - so I have even less of an excuse. Some of the games released this year, some in years past.


Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to take a moment and wish you all a very Merry Christmas here in 2012!


My Incomplete Gaming from 2012

Incomplete Gaming... seems like there could be a blog about that...

Anyway, I tend to play a lot of games - and beat the vast majority of them. On another blog I like to frequent, the topic was how many games to you beat? I figure I am upwards of 90% or better in teams of 'beating' a game that has an actual ending of sorts. There were a handful of games this year that for one reason or another, I just could not finish in some capacity, and here they are.



Well, I told my wife I thought I was on pace to break 100,000 views before the end of the year, and today I did so.


My favorite games of 2012 that you might not have played

It is easy to find room for the AAA titles like Diablo III, Mass Effect 3 or Black Ops 2. These games sell and in large numbers. Your friends and family pick them up and you game with them. I have a handful of games however, that most people I know just did not play and I thought they deserved some additional attention as 2012 comes to a close.


Dragon Power - Retro Reflections

So I am going to slip this one in before my end of the year posts over the next week and change. I have quite a few more reviews ready to go in January as well, though posting *may* slow down a tad after that - it just depends on how busy real life gets.

So recently, I wrote up a nice big review on Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection for the Sony PlayStation 3. Seeing as this game was a remake, it was only natural that I would have some nostalgia toward Dragon Ball Z games. This is especially true when you consider that Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 was my favorite Dragon Ball Z game of all-time, and remains so today despite its years.

Funny thing is, this got me looking back even further than the PlayStation 2. My first encounter with the Dragon Ball franchise actually took place way back in 1988 before I knew anything at all about Dragon Ball. This happy accident came in the form of Dragon Power, which released on the NES in North America back in March of that year. This game, along with Joust and Elevator Action was among my very first titles.

It sure doesn't look like Goku...


Elminage - Win a free copy of this PSP RPG

I recently wrote up a review for Elminage here on the site, which is an old school dungeon crawler RPG for the PSP. If that sort of thing is of interest to you (and really, shouldn't it be? :) ) then pay a visit here to see that review.


Good Old Games is putting on a pretty good sale

We are all about the Digitally Downloaded games here (hence the name of the site, right?) Well Good Old Games has a pretty significant sale going right now they are dubbing their 2012 End of the World DRM-Free Sale. As of this posting, there are about twenty hours left is all.


Elminage Original - PlayStation Portable Review

If asked, I will usually state that RPGs are my favorite gaming genre.  They come in all kinds of flavors, like any other established genre would.  These can range from games where you can affect the story through choices made in the game, such as Dragon Age, or blur the line between action and strategy such as the Fallout and Mass Effect games do, or they can be driven by growing characters and collecting loot like Diablo or many of the older RPG games out there.


Madden 13 - A look back at the season

Happy Monday! So my weekend consisted mostly of Madden and... Guild Wars 2. I just picked that up late Saturday night and played until an incredibly early hour of morning on Sunday when my son promptly took over and created an account. I got to level six and he's sitting up around eleven or twelve. I get the feeling my PC will keep busy over the holidays when school lets out.

After watching an abysmal Lions performance yesterday as the NFL regular season nears its end (just like my fantasy football leagues!), I thought this would be an appropriate time to take a look back at Madden 13 and how it has held up months after my initial review.

When a game first comes out, there is this rush to try and play as much as possible as quickly as possible. This is especially true for those of us who are trying to review the game. Most games I review on here are ones that have been out for some time, but others like Madden I got to right away. I thought it might be interesting to take a look at the 'season that was' so to speak on Madden 13, now that the NFL season is starting to wind down. I have had a lot more time to play the game, and overall I have enjoyed it - but there have been some problems along the way as well.


A zany week, nearly in the books...

So, things have been busy. And I don't mean slightly busy - but more akin to: I'm exhausted and sleeping by 10:30 most nights, usually after putting in an 11+ hour day of work, which this week included moving, and several rather stressful proposals as we make some big changes in my department going forward. But - you're not here to read about work, but probably video games, right? Well, that's upcoming in large quantities hopefully as well.

This picture actually has nothing to do
with this post - I just thought it looked cool


Frozen Synapse - PC Review

It has been stupidly busy at work and home lately, so I apologize for the less-frequent posting of late (though appreciate all of the hits I still seem to be getting despite my slacker-ness.  I'm pretty sure that's a word).  Anyway, we are moving offices today at work, but I had a quick review written up I thought I would get posted this morning first.  So - here it is:

When Frozen Synapse first came out, I really did not pay much attention to it.  The visuals were really bad, and it was something that had almost no pre-release buzz.  Then I picked it up cheap as part of a bundle and finally decided to see what all of the fuss was about.

I went into this title blind.  I will admit that I saw the blocky, basic visuals and thought it might be a puzzle game of some sort - wow was I off-track on that one.  What you have is a turn-based strategy game that actually feels fresh.  Now, I cannot give the graphics a pass - they are pretty rough in my opinion.  The map and characters would feel right at home on a PC from two decades ago, though there are some decently rendered sequences between missions that show peoples' faces and locales.


Dragon Ball Z Budokai HD Collection - PS3 Review

Happy Friday, everyone! My posts have been a bit fewer of late, with a bit more of a break between them of late, I know. Mostly this is related to work - and the fact that I am putting in a lot of extra time lately. Part of it is also that I am working on a handful of non-review type posts and one retro reflection related to this posts' review, and they are all taking just a bit more time to pull together than the typical review does. Thanks for dropping by - the reads and comments are as appreciated as always and I hope you have a great upcoming weekend!

I got hooked on Dragon Ball Z way back in college when my kid would have Cartoon Network on and I would catch episodes once in awhile. I found it to be pretty entertaining, and wound up watching pretty much the entire series as a result. I have played and reviewed a handful of DBZ games on this site, but back before I was blogging about video games, I had one particular DBZ game I really grew enamored with several years ago - Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3.


Divninity II: Ego Draconis - Xbox 360 Review

Being a fan of a particular genre can set you up for some unexpected gems in the rough, but also crushing disappointments in games.  I love RPG titles, so I am often willing to take a chance on a title that gets lower review scores because I anticipate that I will find enough that I like about it to counteract the things that irritate others.  Quite often, the result is me finding a game that I like despite lower critical scores.  This has happened with the Agarest series (RPG/strategy hybrid), Nier (which I'm currently poking at) and countless others.

Sometimes however, I just find myself completely unable to get into the title, and that has happened on games like Risen, Dungeons and now - Divinity II: Ego Draconis. 

First and foremost, there are bugs here.  Maybe not of the epic scale the Bethesda games are reputed to have, but still on par with some of the weird stuff I saw when playing Risen.  Doors sometimes just do not want to open, people get stuck on environments, occasionally things just lock up on me - that sort of thing that really detracts from the experience.

The game starts off being a third person action/rpg hybrid.  Combat just did not work well for me.  You can see what they were going for, trying to create a game with engaging action - but hit detection was spotty, the controls were not always responsive, and when there was a lot going on at once, the framerate really took a dive.  The graphics themselves are not necessarily bad, but there is so little detail and color that it all felt very bland.

The music was just sort of there.  Not a single memorable tune for me - which is both good and bad.  None had me humming away with it, none had me scrambling to turn down my speakers.  Voice acting is fairly plentiful and for the most part serviceable.  Not many cringe-worthy dialog pieces that I can recall, and the sound effects were at least somewhat varied.

There were some cool ideas in this game, though.  What you can do with the weapons and armor customization is nice, and there's a summoned creature mechanic that actually kept me busy for awhile.  Later in the game you have access to a new type of game mechanic where you become a dragon, and I enjoyed that quite a bit actually.  I really did not care for the mind reading mechanic.  It was not a bad idea, but it seemed like it could have been executed better. 

Still, in the end, this is one of the few RPG titles I picked up and started, but just never completed.  There was not enough of an investment in my character or storyline to keep me engaged, and the game mechanics were occasionally interesting, but not enough so to keep me hooked on playing.  I really wanted to like this game, but for whatever reason, I didn't.  Overall, a tough game for me to recommend to anyone, and I would probably only score it a 5 out of 10.

Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition - Review Revisited

I am a bit fan of the Dragon Age series and reviewed several of the titles from before such as Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2 and even the Facebook game Dragon Age Legends.  Generally speaking I have enjoyed every game in the series for different reasons and to varying extents, but the original Dragon Age: Origins was the introduction point for the series and a game I enjoyed greatly.


The Humble THQ Bundle

I just noticed in my email a few minutes ago that the latest Humble Bundle breaks from the largely indie offerings they usually have.  THQ has had a tough couple of years, but has still also produced a handful of very good games.  Several of them can be found in this bundle.  I'll include the screneshot and text of my email.


Did this console cycle last too long?

It has been something of a crazy week already.  I made myself stay off of PSN last night just so I could work on two new gams I'm trying to sink some serious time into for reviews, Elminage and Dragon Ball Z, but Madden and one of my best friends I'm in a couple of leagues with just keeps getting in the way.  I have held to a pretty consistent cycle of posting every 2 or 3 days over the last few months, however today I am going to break that pattern due to an article early this morning that caught my eye on IGN.


And sadly... the extended weekend is over

I certainly hope everyone had a fun, safe weekend.  For those of us in the United States, it also served as a holiday weekend as we celebrated Thanksgiving.  This was my first four day weekend in... 2012 I believe?  I certainly enjoyed it as I had plenty of food, football and fun.


So much to give thanks for...

The subject line really says it all for me.  I have been incredibly fortunate over the last year (and really, several years now).  For me personally, it has been a pretty crazy but entertaining year.  I joked last year when I turned 36 that my birthday did not make me feel old - but my kids' did.  The oldest turned 16 and took driver's education.  My son hit teenage years at 13, and my youngest hit double digits at 10.  Heck, this upcoming year?  15 years married to my wife.


And... it's a new season, so a new color scheme

Now that I am in this seasonal cycle of updating the look of my blog, it's then time to welcome in an upcoming holiday, and a new color scheme.  The white on black is my personal favorite, but I live in a state where it gets very white, very bright and very cold.  I therefore went with some lighter shades - especially the purples as that is easily my wife's favorite color.


Good deal over at GOG right now

Good morning.

Just a quick plug for something I noticed this morning, but Good Old Games has a pretty interesting promotion going right now where you can pick 5 games for $10 from a fairly solid list.


DC Universe Online - PlayStation 3 Review

A friend of mine recently sent me a weekend invite to try Guild Wars 2 for free.  I am hoping to get a chance to do just that, but we will see if time permits.  It reminded me of this review I have been meaning to put up for at least two months now, and just had not found time to squirt it into the schedule.  I've talked about World of Warcraft at length in the past - and with good reason considering the absolutely ridiculous amount of time I sunk into it.  MMO's in general just really appeal to me (hence the reason I run one of the original ones, a MUD).

I posted several months ago about how I was going to give DC Universe Online a go since it was free to play on the Sony PlayStation Network.  I am not a huge MMO player.  I fiddled with Dark Ages of Camelot and I have played (and now own) my share of MUDs and I did log about four years on and off on World of Warcraft.  I have briefly tried a couple of the other free MMO's in the past, and they just never 'stuck' with me the way WoW did. 


NBA Jam: On Fire Edition - PlayStation Network Review

NBA Jam has been around forever.  I did a Retro Reflection on one of the earliest console releases, loved it in the arcade and even reviewed the more recent Wii version on this site as well.  I am a huge fan of the NBA (and the Pistons in particular).  For those unfamiliar with the series, this is two on two 'streetball' but on the shiny hardwood of NBA arenas.  You will not be playing an NBA Simulation here like the excellent NBA 2K12, but instead will be shoving, alley-ooping and catching fire in a much more arcade style game.


I had a fun video game themed weekend, did you?

Just a quick 'good morning' - and I certainly hope you all had a good weekend.  Mine was predictably hectic.  I knew it would be, but it was a lot of fun too.  I got quite a bit of gaming in - the usual suspects with Madden being the primary focus, but I poked at several other titles as well, including FPS Creator.  Fun, but there's a steep learning curve to be had there.  Still, my son and I are tackling it together so that makes it more entertaining.

Beyond that though?  I got to play some games in an old school arcade for the first time in at least a decade.


Dragon's Dogma - Xbox 360 Review

I have been following Dragon's Dogma pretty much since it was first announced.  I play a wide variety of games for the most part (just this week I have been playing a JRPG, a trio of mobile CCG's, a platformer on PSN, an NFL game on my PS3, a FPS on my 360 and an online competitive medieval title on my PC - there's been variety).  That being said, Dragon's Dogma falls into the space I am most comfortable in - Fantasy RPG.  Obviously, there is a lot of wiggle room from there, whether you are playing a more turn-based affair like Final Fantasy or something more action oriented like Dark Souls.


Updated: N7 Day - Bioware celebrates Mass Effect with its fans

I'm definitely curious about this one.  Not a lot of details have been released yet, but Bioware is having an N7 Day - tomorrow on November 7th, to celebrate the fifth year anniversary of the Mass Effect series.


Case of the Mondays?

That saying is somewhat stuck in my head as my oldest happened to watch Office Space for the first time on Netflix the other day.


War of the Roses - PC Review

War of the Roses is an interesting title, because it takes a few chances that generally pay off, makes use of perhaps one of the most popular gaming modes on the market right now, and feels like a game with some as of yet untapped potential.  So what is War of the Roses?  It is an online experience that feels to me like a Battlefield or Call of Duty game, but with swords and bows instead of rifles and machine guns.


Happy Halloween!

Good morning, everyone.  It is that time of the year when it gets really cold out and people want to hype up small children so their parents go a little bit more crazy than usual.  I have long enjoyed scary movies and games, and Halloween tends to bring about an abundance of both every year.


Darksiders - Xbox 360 Review

Just a quick review of some limited time I had with the first Darksiders in the past.  Had a far more hectic weekend than I planned with a wedding and some other stuff going on - which sadly meant almost no gaming outside of my iPhones games since we were on the road a lot.  With our youngest still doing the Trick or Treat thing, this week will no doubt continue the feeling of being busy as Halloween approaches, but here is something to tide you over in the meantime.  Hope you had a great weekend!

I never bought Darksiders, and I will admit I have never completed it.  Like when I reviewed Enslaved: Odyssey to the West this was just one of those titles I was never convinced of to buy, so I played it at a friend's house on and off.  Therefore, I will not give this game a real detailed review seeing as I spent only a handful of hours with it, but I have played enough and seen enough to develop a pretty solid opinion of the game.


Marvel: War of Heroes - iPad/iPhone Review

I think by now it is safe to say I am a fan of collectible card games.  Of course, this spills out into Magic: The Gathering, but also a lot of the video game based ones like Guardian Cross and Rage of Bahamut.  I had heard some time ago on IGN that Mobage was going to be releasing a Transformers game this fall that would be very similar to Rage of Bahamut.  I have not seen or heard anything else about that (it might even be out for all I know?  Searches did not turn anything up yesterday, however).

I did however get a pleasant surprise when I found out that Marvel: War of Heroes had been released last week for mobile devices.  I had completely forgotten about this title, only having heard it briefly mentioned months ago before I even had an iPhone, and therefore any particular interest in it.


That feeling of being behind in... everything!

I just cannot seem to get caught up over the last couple of weeks.  And going forward?  I can't imagine it's going to get much better for another week or two.  We have a wedding this weekend, Halloween coming up for our youngest, I am getting sent off in the near future for work for a bit... chaos people, chaos.  That's not to say things are all bad - just busy.  I'm still getting some gaming in, just in smaller doses than I would like.


Guardian Cross - iPad/iPhone Review

I have been noticing a lot of collectible card games for the iOS lately, and it makes sense really. Matches are usually quick, there is a competitive online element and they tend to be more strategic than action-based. I first heard about Guardian Cross by Square Enix some time ago, and it finally got its release and I have been playing it daily since.


Sega CD - 20 years (and two days) old!

So I was browsing IGN a couple of nights ago when I saw the article proclaiming that the Sega CD was 20 years old.  I immediately went and hit up a few websites to confirm that, and sure enough - it is.  It is funny, because as I get older and the annual birthdays come around, people tease me asking me if I am starting to feel old.  I reply that no - my birthdays do not make me feel old, but specific birthdays that my kids have do.  This year was a doozy on that front too, as my oldest turned 16, my son turned 13 and my youngest hit 10.  Driving age, teenager, double digits.

Well, now video game systems are starting to have the same effect on me.  See, I recall very clearly when I got the Sega CD.  I have posted about the Genesis I got from my uncle years ago, and it was definitely a favorite system of mine.  Almost every console has a handful of games that really resonated well with me, and become the games I immediately think of when I reflect back on that console.  That being said - there were a lot of Genesis games that immediately spring to mind for me, so when an opportunity came up to 'add' to my Genesis and pick up the Sega CD peripheral back then, I did so right away.


And the weekend is over...

Hopefully you all had a nice weekend.  As usual my weekend had some gaming goodness in it.  Having ground to something of a halt in all three of my Madden 13 leagues (just seriously having a tough time keeping the people who are playing them with me as active as I am), I had to settle for the Lions winning in real life yesterday in overtime against the Eagles.  Frustrating first few quarters, exciting finish - I'll take it.


Madden 13 crash glitch for the PS3

I am a big fan of this year's Madden 13 release, scoring it fairly highly here, but a new problem has cropped up over the last few weeks since my review. At first I thought it was maybe something specific to my system, but then a friend told me he had the same issue with his Sony PlayStation 3 and Madden 13, and I tested it on my other PlayStation 3 and got the same results. What is the issue?

When you try to quit the game, you run a fairly high chance of the game locking up, and then the system shutting down improperly with three rapid beeps. Upon restarting the system, you get the notification to send to Sony that there was a problem, and then the system goes through the error checking and restoration of the drive.


Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 - Expansion 1

With the recent release of return to Ravnica into the actual card game Magic: The Gathering, I was not surprised to hear that there was a release for the video game Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013.  What I was surprised by, was that the first expansion to the game actually contained no cards from the new Return to Ravnica set, but instead revisited cards from the original Ravnica set.  Giving players a bit of a taste of the Ravnica history, I cannot help but think that the next expansion will in fact support new mechanics from Return to Ravnica.


The Splatters - Xbox Live discount this week

Good morning, everyone.

The Splatters was a title I really enjoyed and scored it an 8 out of 10 when it first came out.  It's a puzzle game with some serious physics at work, with a graphic style that sort of reminded me of the Worms series with its use of colors and odd animations.


Busy weekend, probably a busy week

Well, I definitely got some gaming in over the weekend.  That was the good news.  The bad news?  My son may have picked up something very not cool on my PC at home.  This morning there was some annoying error message about how my PC couldn't be verified and I'd have to reinstall Win 7, which is obviously pretty shady to begin with, but on top of that most of the functions on it are now running doggedly slow.  Poor kid - I'm annoyed with him, but he sorta knew he was in trouble too.  He was sitting on the couch looking like he was either sick, or someone kicked a cat, and he's like:

You're going to want to see the error up on your computer.

Considering how little I use that PC lately, he didn't even try brushing it off as something someone else might have done.  For about the last 3 months, it's been 95% him.  Amusingly, I did use it some Saturday, but only for a pair of Steam games.  So, I suspect I'll be spending some time this evening trying to smooth THAT mess out.  So I'm plugging this article together on a far less effective laptop for the time-being.

So, how about those games this weekend?


Orcs Must Die 2! - Fire and Water Booster DLC Review

This week has not been kind to me in terms of free time.  Here's hoping the weekend goes a bit more smoothly.  Any plans of your own for the weekend?

I was a huge fan of Orcs Must Die! 2 when it came out.  I knocked a lot of those ornery little buggers off and lost quite a bit more sleep than I had ever intended.  The blend of tower defense strategy and third person action really sat well with me, as did the spirit of experimentation.  There are just so many delightful traps for proper orc dismemberment, and their upgrades can be a ton of fun.


LittleBigPlanet: Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves - PlayStation 3 Review

Little BigPlanet got a ton of play this weekend from my youngest.  She has always loved the series - pretty much fell in love with it since playing the first game, and she has enjoyed the series since.  It sort of amazes me how much time she puts into it, but she makes most of her online friends through the game, and spends hours upon hours creating and testing areas - often Pokemon themed.

I hope you all had a very nice weekend and got some gaming in.  I got obscene amounts of several titles in, and probably have upwards of forty hours in total clocked in on Dragon's Dogma now.  I am about halfway through the primary storyline, but have been keeping busy with all of the side quests.  I also have several online franchises in Madden that have progressed (more effectively than my Lions have progressed in real life).  I have some Magic: The Gathering to play tonight -and it should be interesting as a few of the guys I play with tonight attended the pre-release tournaments for the upcoming expansion, so I'll get to see some new cards in play this evening.

So, speaking of Little BigPlanet, I thought I would touch on one of the spinoffs from the primary series.

LittleBigPlanet is pretty big in my house.  My son likes it, but my youngest daughter?  Well, she loves it.  It is pretty easy to see the appeal.  I have never really gotten into the game myself, but with those design options I probably would have eaten this series up as a kid who learned BASIC for the sole purpose of creating Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories on my TI99/4a.  So back when we had a move, Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves came out and then shortly after it was a freebie for PlayStation Plus owners.  My daughter was very excited to give this game a go.


Hydrophobia: Prophecy - PlayStation Network Review

Halloween is right around the corner, and with it - my slighter darker themes and wallpapers for about the next month.  Hope you all have a good weekend planned.  Mine will (surprise!) consist mostly of gaming.  I have a few different things I'm juggling going into this weekend: Actually getting some decks revamped for my weekly Magic: The Gathering card night on Monday, reviewing the Magic: The Gathering expansion DLC for Planeswalkers 2013, catching up in my Madden online franchises (I have 3 and I'm behind in two), trying to make some headway in Dragon's Dogma (big game, and I've easily sunk 30 hours into it while only having gotten through about half the main storyline) and I've been trying to work on some new things for my MUD as we usually have a Merriment of Masks festival on there around Halloween.  We will see just how much of this stuff I put a dent into by Monday morning when I post here.  For now?  I have a review of a game that is not necessarily a horror one, but has some tense moments that fit decently with the site update.

I remember seeing some footage of Hydrophobia back when it was first announced for the Xbox 360.  The water-related physics and graphics looked pretty impressive and it was officially on my radar.  Then it came out to tepid overall reviews while I was in the middle of playing quite a few other games, so I just never bothered to pick it up.  Since then it has been re-released with the 'Prophecy' addition to the title, and by and large the reviews were much more positive afterward, claiming that this was the definitive release to try.

The game has a Tomb Raider in water feel to it.  You control a female protagonist who uses guns to deal with enemies while you solve environmental puzzles via lots of climbing and jumping.  It is a tried and true formula that has been imitated quite a few times over the years, with some examples being more successful than others.


Super Penguins - iPhone/iPad Review

With my new iPhone has come a lot of new games to try out.  Most of them have been of the slower-paced variety like RPG or CCG style games.  However, it is nice to try out some other types of titles, especially those that make better use of the iPhone as a whole.  One such game I have been sinking quite a bit of time into lately is Super Penguins.


Tuesday, huh? Pure Chess Gaming Thoughts

This will be a brief one - I spent most of the weekend and yesterday sick.  Never any fun.  The good news?  Even when sick, I was able to camp out in bed and play some video games.  Mostly Dragon's Dogma, Madden, Guardian Cross, Rage of Bahamut and Pure Chess.

Diablo III - PC Review

Took me long enough to finish and prep my review for the following game - but here it is.  Also, sometime tomorrow I will be picking the winner for my Double Dragon: Neon PSN code giveaway.

In my mind, this was the most anxiously awaited PC game since Starcraft II came out.  Opinions formed on Diablo III often and early, ranging from the online connectivity to the style of the game's graphics.  Still, as we have seen in the past, great expectations can often lead to great disappointments.  We have seen that with other titles like Mass Effect 3, when many of its loyal fans felt let down by the ending, the multiplayer component or that it seemed more focused on action than tactical or roleplay elements.  The other side of the coin is something like Skyrim, that generally was well-received (though bugs - especially on the PlayStation 3, really hampered its release).  So how does Diablo III hold up?


Reminder: Contest for a free PSN game

I haven't gotten much traffic on this yet - good news and odds for the few who have.  I don't have much to toss out today - hoping to have a fairly decent review up Friday though.  In the meantime - the contest for Double Dragon: Neon for PSN:


Busy weeks, and a contest - quick Gaming Thoughts

This feels like a theme right now.  Lots of time spent at work, lots of time at home doing work for work, and then in my spare time spending what time remains sleeping or with family.  It does look like things should return to 'normal' (no one's ever actually accused me of being normal, mind you) this week, at least for a few weeks.  Sadly, my Lions let me down last night against the 49ers (I had a hunch they would, but hey - you can still hope.  That is why they play the games), but I've still had enough time to rattle off a few hours of gaming here and there.


Double Dragon: Neon - PlayStation Network Review

I have a pretty longstanding history with beat 'em up style games, and for the most part I have enjoyed the genre.  Double Dragon still ranks as one of my all-time favorite arcade games, and I would guess I played through Double Dragons 1 & 2 on the NES several dozen times each.  I am one of the lucky few who still has the arcade version of Double Dragon on my Xbox Live account as well.  So it is safe to say I was more than a little excited when I read about Double Dragon: Neon several months ago, posting about it here at the time.


Some quick Wii U thoughts

Like everyone and their mom yesterday and today, I have been pondering the various Wii U announcements and trying to figure out just what my thoughts on them and the system are.  I have come away decidedly mixed at this point, but then I have been since the beginning I guess.  I plan to get one more post up for the weekend by the end of the day (a review of a new game release), but I figured I'd hop on the Wii U conversational bandwagon real quick this morning.


What have I been up to? Some Gaming Thoughts...

It would seem like with me regularly working 55-65 hours a week over the last month, my dad visiting from Florida for a couple of weeks and the kids starting up on school again that I would be struggling to find time to play games, but that really has not been the case.  I think what I'm sacrificing (other than sanity) is sleep as a result.


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