Month in Review - October 2016
October 31, 2016console, microsoft, Month in Review, nintendo, October 2016, pc, playstation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, PS4, sony, vita, xbox
Looks like it’s that time of the month again! See everything that we’ve been up to and catch up on anything you may have missed.
The boss took a bit of a step outside of reality this month into a more virtual one. Want to know what he though? Read up on his adventures with the Oculus Rift through the many Reviews and Previews!
PlayStation Reviews
Yomawari: Night Alone
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
King's Quest Chapter 4: Snow Place Like Home
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls
Worlds of Magic: Planar Conquest
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs
Xbox Reviews
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Gears of War 4
Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 2: Children of Arkham
NHL 17
NASCAR Heat Evolution
Nintendo Reviews
PC / Mac Reviews
Windlands - VR
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Master Collection
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Boogeyman - VR
NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation - VR
Monstrum - VR
Audio Arena - VR
Mount Wingsuit - VR
Redout - VR
Kittypocalypse - VR
iOMoon - VR
Damaged Core - VR
Dreadhalls - VR
Euclidean - VR
Hardware & Software Reviews
TOMOKO Water-Resistant 104-Key Wired Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
TOMOKO I-600 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
Oriental Empires
Detached - VR
Subnautica - VR
World of Diving - VR
Planet Coaster
Warhammer 40,000 : Eternal Crusade
Dragon Quest Builders
Tabletop Games
Beeps and Beers
Retro Reflections
Article by Pierre-Yves
TOMOKO I-600 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - Hardware Review
October 31, 2016CGRhardware, hardware, review, TOMOKO, TOMOKO I-600 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, Victsing
We at Chalgyr's Game Room are no stranger to mechanical keyboards. Many, if not most of the contributors here grew up with "clicky keyboards" complete with their curly cords and serial connections. Fortunately we are beyond that and living in the midst of a resurgent era of the mechanical keyboard. With this boom it is expected to see everything from the ultra-expensive "brand names" to budget-conscious keyboards. Enter TOMOKO's I-600 waterproof mechanical keyboard, coming in under $60 USD, the blue switch mechanical keyboard is one of the least expensive keyboards we have ever tested. The kicker? It is easily worth twice that.