Games of December 2016

It’s that time again!

Well it was. The start of December seemed so far away and then BAM. American Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and then Zombies. Zombies you ask? Dead Rising 4 is here and it takes ALL the above and wraps it up into a new package while taking everything back to the beginning. Poor Frank.

Zombies not your thing around Christmas time? Then The Dwarves should certainly have you covered!

Thursday December 1st

The Dwarves - PS4, XB1, PC

"The Dwarves" not to be mistakenly googled with the dwarves (a band with NSFW album covers and well just all around NFSW material) is an amazing looking kickstarted product that puts a bunch of Dwarves (who would have guess right?) into an RTS. Based off of the novel series "The Dwarves" in which I just found out while writing this which is cool since I'm currently reading the first one, take control of fifteen playable heroes in real-time strategy scenarios that will require a bit of tactics to make it through.

Deponia - PS4

Deponia has been around for ages now having released back in 2012 on the PC. Coming over to consoles is this crazy ride from Daedalic Entertainment which should not be passed up on.

We Sing - PS4

We sing is an excuse over to the holiday to merrily sing with friends, or shatter glass depending on how well you sing, for hours at a time.

Friday December 2nd

Steep - PS4, XB1, PC

Tired of sitting inside when it's snowing outside? Wish you could just take to the hills? Snowing too much to make it to those hills? Strap yourself into your couch, make sure that your controller is charged, and hit the steep hills from the comfort of your own living room.

Super Mario Maker - 3DS

Some fans had already been making some rather crazy Super Mario levels for a while until Nintendo made it easy releasing an editor that could upload custom levels for others to try. Now no longer having to be home for that Super Mario Maker is now going to be portable on the 3DS.

Tuesday December 6th

Werewolves Within VR - PSVR / PC (Oculus Rift / HTC Vive)

Werewolves Within makes me think of a social game apparently called "The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow" in English. We just call it Loup Garou (Werewolf in French). Sounds like a lot of fun with visuals and a heads up display as each player is given a role. There's only one real rule, survive. Are you a human or are you a werewolf? Only you know.

The Last Guardian - PS4

Sooooo apparently it's not vaporware in the end. After all these years The Last Guardian, like Final Fantasy Versus XIII now XV has arrived. It has a lot to live up to. Here's hoping that it can.

Dead Rising 4 - XB1, PC

Dashing through the snow, with ornament launchers on your sleigh, through the hordes we go, raking in Power Points all the way! Dead Rising 4 brings back not only the iconic Frank West but also brings him back to where it all started. Does this grouchy middle aged man have what it takes? Oh yeah.

Tuesday December 13th

Wild Guns Reloaded - PS4

Wild Guns Reloaded is definitely a throwback as the original launched twenty years ago on the Super Nintendo. Back for another round are Annie and her hire Clint as she seeks revenge on those that killed her family.

Shantae Half-Genie Hero - PS4, Vita, Wii U

Shantae has had many releases on many platforms and the fourth title which was Kickstarted a couple years ago now is finally here. More Shantae? Yes Please!

Tuesday December 20th

Eagle Flight - PC (VR only)

Having originally launched for the PSVR, Eagle Flight is now moving over to the PC and will be accessible for anyone that has a VR Headset. Have fun boss!

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - PS3, PS4, 360, XB1, PC, iOS, Android - (episode 1 digital only)

Finally last on our list is more Zombies! I swear I'm off to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas after I finish writing this. Four years have passed since the start of everything. Put in the shoes of a new character Javier, Clementine will make another appearance as she's really the center role of Telltale's adventure isn't she?

That's it for this month and this year!

Be safe, have fun gaming, and enjoy which ever celebrations come your way!

Article by Pierre-Yves
Information Provided by Jim

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