The Shining Force games still rank among my personal favorites ever, and the idea of an MMO of similar style is certainly appealing. The visuals remind me of work I used to do with RPG Maker - hardly a bad thing as it is a nice callback to the 16-bit era. This Kickstarter has already met its goal, but there are plenty of backer packages still available to those who are interested.
Here is the latest press release:

"The trick was taking something that was designed for a mouse and getting it to work properly with a controller", notes lead developer R. Mulvany. "Remember those Sim City 2000 console ports? We definitely don't want to end up like that, so a lot of time was spent going through every possible way you could play with a controller. If we didn't find the perfect scheme we would have just kept it on PC and Mac. Fortunately, what we have now is a lot of fun and feels perfect. Regardless of whether you use a mouse (on PC) or a controller (on Xbox) it's going to feel as though the game was built specifically for that system."
Mulvany has also revealed the size of the overworld map, and has compared it to other games. He's careful to note that, despite it being massive, a large world doesn't necessarily mean a great game.

Despite surprisingly high demand, Mulvany says that there are no plans of releasing a Playstation 4 version, though he doesn't rule out the possibility down the road.
"I've gotten a lot of inquiries, but right now it seems unlikely. It's a pretty daunting task to develop for so many systems, so as of now I'm just focused on those that I'm most familiar with."
Shining Empire is set to release later this year for PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Xbox One (with a free iOS companion app which allows you to monitor your game remotely). The game will be available digitally for all platforms and a boxed version will be released for PC/Mac as well.
Article by Nick