The generation before the Wii saw Nintendo release the GameCube, which brought very little innovative to the table and simply tried to keep up with the visual and audio capabilities of its rival consoles the PlayStation 2 and Xbox. The result was a mixed one as Nintendo released plenty of great first party titles while most third party ones performed better on rival consoles. The GameCube had a following, but was seen as the lesser of the three consoles released that generation.
There were a lot of doubters, myself included. I was good with a controller in my hands - it was my preferred way of playing video games. I know a lot of PC gamers feel mouse and keyboard are the best way to experience a first-person shooter but I will stubbornly cling to a controller any day as my weapon of choice. I did not buy a Wii when they first came out - I adopted about a year or so later after having already owned an Xbox 360.
My initial impressions were right down the middle - the technology seemed cool if imprecise. Games like Wii Sports felt more like glorified tech demos than the types of games I usually spent my time with. In truth, even now my opinion has not changed a great deal. I think some games make excellent use of the controller - Red Steel 2 was a standout example for me. I think in general games where you could mimic slashing motions created the greatest sense of immersion for me personally. There were other games that made good use of the control schemes. Silent Hill with its flashlight or the various activities in Wario Ware: Smooth Moves also come to mind as excellent examples.
The Wii Motion Plus was useful - it improved the situation and made games more precise when using the Wii Remote, but like a lot of people it was the sort of thing I felt the Wii should have been doing from day one. Clever animations often masked the Wii Remote's inaccuracies with earlier releases, but it would have been nice to see the Motion Plus' accuracy right out of the gates.
However, there were a lot of games I played with a more traditional controller option. I found myself much more comfortable spending hours of time playing Monster Hunter Tri or Fire Emblem with a classic controller. The Wii remote is not terribly comfortable when it is held horizontally like a traditional controller, its sharp edges a bit unforgiving on the hands in my experience. Some games give you multiple play options like Punch Out! I enjoyed boxing with the remote but found that for tougher fights later in the game, I needed the quick precision of a controller and switched formats. Motion controls certainly made an impact however, as Xbox Kinect and Sony Move did their best to latch onto this market, but neither with the level of success Nintendo saw with the Wii.
The Wii should be remembered because it did two things very well. First, it opened video gaming up to a larger, more casual market through titles like Wii Sports and Wii Fit. Some complained that the Wii lacked serious 'hardcore' games, but there were quite a few of those out there as well. Plenty of Nintendo's more storied franchises continued strong with titles such as Metroid: Other M, Twilight Princess, the Mario Galaxy titles, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart, Punch Out! and more. There were some great third party titles as well, such as Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Monster Hunter Tri, Red Steel 2 and the often under-appreciated Muramasa: The Demon Blade.
Unfortunately every system has bad games as well, and the Wii certainly seemed to receive more than its share. Often referred to as 'shovelware', a lot of Wii titles seemed to be made on the quick with minimal budgets while hoping to take advantage of some kid-themed mechanic using the motion controls. Parents who did not know better would pick these discount games up (how many cooking games can one system have?), hurting the overall perception of the system's quality of games.
There were other things that Nintendo got both right and wrong with the Wii. The Virtual Console served as an excellent bridge between the games of yesterday and the newer titles coming out today. I still have most of my old consoles, so my kids had played the NES versions of Super Mario Brothers, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy and more. However, for those who did not have access to these classic titles, the Virtual Console gave gamers access to a lot of classics.
Unfortunately Nintendo's online presence never quite felt right. This generation of consoles saw leaps and bounds in online interactivity, yet the Wii seemed archaic by comparison. Certainly Microsoft led the way with achievements, but Sony followed suit. Nintendo resisted the idea of a global tracking system for in-game accomplishments. The friends codes and lack of easy-to-access friends lists certainly cut down on the sense of community as well. You could certainly play some titles online, like Mario Kart, but the online presents never felt as robust on the Wii.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Metroid: Other M
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Red Steel 2
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Monster Hunter Tri
And there are still several titles for the system I have not yet had a chance to play but hope to in time:
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Xenoblade Chronicles
Pandora's Tower
The Last Story
** This article first appeared and was written by me for Digitally Downloaded.
Although I agree with you when you say that the Wii was a hit-or-miss console, Chalgyr, I don't agree with your final assessment of the system. Despite its stumbles, I've gotten a lot of pleasure out of the Wii and its games. In fact, I have about 30 Wii games at this point and have really enjoyed all of them save a select few. Compare that to the 10 or so games I own for the GameCube (or my 20 or so PS2 games or my, er, one Xbox 360 game) and it's easy to see which console I got the most use out of during the last two generations.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I sincerely doubt I'll ever call the Wii one of my favorite systems of all time--as I often do while talking about the Famicom, PC Engine, Super Famicom, PlayStation or DS. I'm not entirely sure why that is, though, as, like I've already said, I've really enjoyed the time I've spent with the ol' Wii so far. Oh, well, I guess it doesn't much matter in the end.
Anyway, given your rather ho-hum reaction to the Wii, what are your thoughts on the Wii U? Will you be buying one (if you haven't already), or will you pass it by in favor of the PS4 or whatever the next Xbox is called?
Hey, thanks for stopping by Bryan!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've never quite put my finger on WHY the Wii never tracked well in my house. I mean, I still have working NES, SNES, etc - I love the Nintendo franchises.
I think the social weaknesses made a big difference in my house, where most of my friends play PS3 or Xbox 360, and my youngest enjoys games like Casle Crashers and Little Big Planet. Not just playing online, but the trophies, the content sharing and the conversations.
I will eventually likely get a Wii U - getting these big shiny toys is my primary hobby. But it will come in behind the Sony or Microsoft systems I suspect. There are things about the Wii U that have interested me, but nothing that has just completely 'WOWED' me - yet. That said? Metroid, Zelda, Fire Emblem - those are franchises that could swing me around at some point.
"I have owned every Nintendo console (except the Virtual Boy)..."
ReplyDeleteGlad you let us know from the start you aren't a true Nintendo fan! *closes out tab
*sees comment, "I will eventually likely get a Wii U - getting these big shiny toys is my primary hobby. But it will come in behind the Sony or Microsoft systems I suspect."
*Further admission to not being a true Nintendo fan. Didn't own the epic Virtual Boy, and will buy the next microwave ovens from Microsoft and Sony first!? Haters gonna hate...
It's actually interesting how each generation (well, the last 2 anyway), has been very different. The PS2, Xbox, and GameCube generation started off with me buying a GameCube day one, and getting the PS2 as a Christmas gift a few years later. The Xbox was purchased "refurbed" after the first 2, but I ended up enjoying the Xbox most of all.
This gen started off with the Wii being purchased first, then the PS3 getting added to the collection only because it was free from a friend, just had to spend $80 to get it fixed. The Wii has been our go to system for most gaming though, even though I have several PS3 games (and Wii) not played yet. The Virtual Console and Mario titles have been a huge hit with Bean 1, and Mrs. C and I really enjoyed the co-op gaming in NSMBW and DKCR.
I personally enjoyed several FPS games on the Wii, with World at War being my most played because of the online (and a good chunk of those hours being spent on beating Veteran difficulty). I really Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and it was my first Metroid Prime game to beat.
The Wii had several games that I wish had been advertised a bit more, so more gamers might have known about them and given them a chance, like ExciteBots. The online aspect didn't bother me a WHOLE lot, but it was a bit aggravating seeing Nintendo fail on some basic areas like patching (Metroid: Other M having to be "patched" with an SD card...you serious Nintendo?).
On your list of Wii titles you're hoping to play eventually, are you planning on purchasing Pandora's Tower day one, or get it later? I'm really hating some March right now, because of several titles that month, and the bank account not liking it.
Many good points there Chalgyr. Certainly can't argue with the weak online, shovelware and some motion issues.
ReplyDeleteFor me the Wii was the first home console I've owned in a very long time. In fact I think the TurboGrafx16 in 1989/90 was the last one. :) Based on not having my old consoles the Virtual Console feature was HUGE for me. I thought this was brilliant and have really enjoyed revisiting some of these games.
As a side note, of the 12 VC titles I've purchased, 10 of them I owned previously on the original hardware. The only outliers were Super Mario Land and Zelda: A Link to the past. I do plan to continue to branch out to other titles, but perhaps this means my initial push was for nostalgia. Super Metroid and Bonk's Revenge are on my short list.
Though I also continue to collect Wii titles and there are plenty of good ones available. At some point I'll think about the Wii U more, but for now I have no plans to buy.