Gaming News and Notes from 2-16-11

A Game of Thrones has been a hot property, and now there's some info about the game.

Oh, some games released this week. Marvel vs. Capcom hit Tuesday to very good reviews, and the Ogre Tactics remake for the PSP has been getting solid response as well.

Dead Island - I'll admit, I haven't heard much about this game, but the trailer looks very cool.

Playstation Plus user? Congrats - you get some free Sega Genesis games.

Steam has some discounts on Square Enix games this week. It started Monday I believe - can't recall what game was up there that day, but Just Cause 2 was up yesterday. Today is Front Mission Evolved. Each day the discount has been about 75% so not a bad value.

Here's the new stuff on Playstation Network. Also, they will be doing some voting for games starting Feb 22nd that could lead to some discounts on Minis, PSP games, exclusives, etc.

I'll file this under semi-random: but Felicia Day is involved in a web-project for Dragon Age. She's cute in The Guild (I'm a fan of it), Dragon Age was awesome and these webisode things have been taking off for other games and shows (remember when Lost did them? Also, Mortal Kombat is planning some). Might be worth a peek later.

Sony is preparing to ban people who are detected with hacked PS3s. Xbox 360 started the trend - and it looks like Sony will follow suit.

Interested in Killzone 3? Ps3 system? There's a bundle coming up.

For fans of Chris Evans (I think I just saw my wife raise *her* hand) - he's going to be part of the Captain America video game cast.

Crysis 2 demo hitting the PC on March 1st.



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